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Hospice Clay Therapy.png

It has been a privilege to engage in making pots with those in hospice care and with their families.  This creative endeavor both honors and gives great pleasure to all involved.  


Forming a bowl from lumps of clay, added piece by piece, allows one to be relaxed and immersed in the moment.  When one is facing formidable health challenges, this form of art therapy brings a sense of purpose to and a valuing of each individual’s uniqueness.


By creating a bowl, especially when symbolic DNA from the hair of loved ones is added to the clay, an intimate and lasting piece of art is made, as are cherished memories.


Please Contact Us  to discuss how we may best serve your family’s needs.

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 "Pat generously offered her time to create a family project when my husband was in hospice. He made 2 beautiful bowls even when using his hands had become difficult.  This activity, along with Pat's caring presence, was truly healing for us all.  After the bowls returned from the kiln, my husband's delight to see the glaze reflecting the colors of the starry heavens is kept in memory along with the earthen keepsake."

~Carol T. iTs a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs &


"Pat is a long time friend and fellow motorcycle rider. We had a gathering of about 30 near our home in Kentucky and Pat had a fellow rider collect a hair sample from each attendee. The following week she drove from Texas to our house with her pottery equipment. We sat on our back porch on a beautiful day and made our bowls. One with the hair from all our friends, including Pat's hair, and one with only my and Becky’s hair. It was a good day. Kinda made up for Becky not being able to ride to the gathering. We enjoyed making the bowls and spending the day with a dear friend. We were delighted when the bowls returned finished and beautiful. Becky has since passed away but I will cherish having the bowls, especially the one Becky made." ~Eddie L.

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